What happened with Courtney Shields and Emily Herren ?

Well, it seems like it is a day of drama in the podcast business. With the fallout between Trisa Paytas and Ethan Klein still at it’s starting phase, there is yet another drama between Courtney Shields and Emily Herren.

Let’s get right into it.

What happened between Courtney Shields and Emily Herren ?

Well, the tension between two friends has been escalating for some time now. Courtney’s recent podcast added fuel to the fire. It led to Emily Herren unfollowing Shields on Instagram. But how did it all start?

Well, you have you covered in that aspect as well.

An anonymous source supposedly spoke with Spencer and Wendy of the Swiping Up and told them that Courtney and Emily’s falling out has nothing to do with themselves but another podcaster Jessi Afshin.

Spencer and Wendy talked about it in the March 18 podcast of Swiping Up.

In an episode in Jessi Afshin’s podcast My Darling Diary, Afshin spoke about an unidentified friend’s betrayal.  This was way back in March.

If you want to listen to that episode then it is titled Dear Mean Girls. 

In the said episode, Jessi Ashfin said that she was heartbroken as she wasn’t invited to a party by some she considered a friend. And the “friend” didn’t invite her even though they lived in the same building. And all other friends were invited except for Jessi.

It just so happened that the “friend” who didn’t invite Jessi for the party was none other than Courtney Shields. Then to top it off Jessi didn’t invite Courtney to her wedding.

Now you might be wondering what has this got to do with Courtney and Emily.

Well, Courtney felt that Emily was siding with Jessi even though she didn’t invite Courtney to her wedding. 

Then in the latest episode of Shield’s podcast Badass Basic Bitch she told that negative things were being talked about her on social media and that she has decided to stand up for herself.

Now, it has started a fan war with fans of Courtney Shields unfollowing Emily Herren on social media platforms and vise versa.

Courtney Shields Controversies

Well, this is not the first time Courtney Shields has got herself surrounded with controversies. She went on a vacation in Texas during a crisis. Suffice to say the fans weren’t pleased.

Courtney, you s**k. You vacation when Texas is in a crisis. You whined about how you’ve missed your daughter but then spend the following day getting a freaking hair transformation (don’t be dramatic please, it’s called getting your hair colored), and buy groceries when others are still without water? I’m not shocked by your insensitivity anymore.

Also, please stop with the sun shining directly in your face… please, you look dumb.

Emily Harren Controversy

Emily Harren was called insensitive when she supported police at a time America was against black discrimination by the police force. The fans were saying

I cringe every time I see her engagement ring due to the fact that Lee (her police officer husband) had to insert a Blue Lives Matter aspect into the design. And the fact she openly shared that during a time where that’s something at such the forefront of discussion in our country and in Austin.

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