Dylan Shaw Went Too Soon But He Will Never Be Forgotten: Evart High School

Students and the staffs of Evart High School are grieving the loss of 15-year-old Dylan Shaw who fell in the Muskegon River after he slipped through the ice. Two other teens who fell through the ice in the Muskegon River managed to come out of it but Dylan couldn’t.

Since the accident, the school opened for the first time on Monday.

Several agencies have been conducting a search to find Shaw’s body but they suspended the search because of the dangerous weather and the river condition.

One of Shaw’s friend, Jonathan Ward said, “He was just an out-going person, I mean he was a great friend. He was one of the kids that walked up to me and said hey I’ll show you around and it’s pretty cool to have someone from a new school and then not knowing anyone and then he comes up, it sticks with you.

The principal of Evart High School, Jessica Kolenda said, “This is the first time for many of them, for some of them at least, that they have lost a peer and that’s a difficult thing to swallow.”

“We have really tried hard to make sure that we have all of the resources necessary for our kids and staff to be able to cope with this loss,” said Kolenda.

Kolenda further added, “We have decorated his locker to ensure that kids have a chance to share sentiments with him. We have decided that we have a candle lit in office and during school hours it will be lit until his body is recovered.”

Kolenda also placed a candle and pictures in the main office and said that the candle will remain lit until Shaw was found.

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