Bryan Dean Wright is a 43 years old former CIA operations officer, who currently works as a Political Strategist & Opinion Writer at Fox News.
Quick Facts and Information on Bryan Wright
Full Name | Bryan Dean Wright |
Birthday / Date of Birth | 1977 |
Age | 43 |
Birth Sign | – |
Born Country | U.S |
Hometown | Oregon |
Current Residence | Arizona |
Nationality | American |
Religion | Christianity |
Ethnicity | Multiracial |
Profession | Former CIA Operations Officer, Political Strategist & Opinion Writer |
High School / College / University | Gonzaga University |
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Sexuality | Gay |
Husband/ Spouse / Partner | None |
Current Relationship Status | Dating |
Boyfriend | Identity Not Disclosed |
Children (Son, Daughter) | None |
Social Media | |
Net Worth | $1.3 Million |
Height in Feet | 6 ft 1 in |
Bryan Dean Wright Wiki
The former CIA operations officer, Bryan Dean was born in the year 1977 and is 43 years old now. He was born to his parents in Oregon and was the sixth generation in his family to be born in the state.
Bryan grew up in rural Oregon with his siblings in a family affiliated to the Democratic party. Bryan too is a Democrat & his family was inspired by Democratic presidents like FDR and JFK.
Bryan’s grandparents were supporters of President Franklin Roosevelt, and his parents grew up with the example of President John F. Kennedy. They later vocally supported President Johnson and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.