James Charles Copies Other artists/ Keilidh Cashell ?

James Charles has once again been accused of copying another makeup guru. This time on Valentine’s day he is allegedly said to have copied the looks in his video “Why I’m going to be Single Forever” which another makeup guru KeilidhCashell posted 7 days earlier on 7th February.


James’ Look:

Keilidh’s look:

They are wearing the same color contact lens and the color of the eyeshadows are similar and so are the arrows which James Charles allegedly copies from Keilidh Cashell.

People are going crazy all over the internet as James Charles does not give credit to Keilidh Cashell. It may not come as a surprise to many because things like this have happened in the past.  James Charles has been accused in past for taking ideas from lesser-known artists and after the hype of his video had stabilized he would go and apologize for making a mistake.

He was also previously accused of completely copying Nikki Tutorials’ videos. The video was of Nikki doing a Bob Ross painting on her face, and James uploaded the same video one day later. He then claimed that they had filmed them at the same time. But, later, he changed his story saying that he filmed his first.

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