Mayim Chaya Bialik popular for her portrayal of Amy Farrah Fowler in one of the most loved American sitcoms of all time, The Big Bang Theory, seems to have finally found love.
Bialik, who was married to Michael Stone for 9 years from 2003 to 2012, has finally spilled some tea on her YouTube channel, where she talks about her relationship with a ‘Manfriend.’

Photo Courtesy: USmagazine
In the video titled ‘How video games saved my relationship’ published on October 4th this year, Mayim describes ‘Manfriend’ is a special person in her life.
Then, she goes on to express that the mystery man’s love for video games was annoying her, as she wasn’t getting enough time to spend with him. But, all thanks to her smartness; that she figured a way to work out the relationship by joining in, to play the video games herself.
After having cracked the idea to solve their relationship problem, Mayim explained,
“I now see that asking my partner to give up whatever leisure time activity makes him happy, is not a solution to my perceived neglect or boredom. When Manfriend is gaming, I now realize that he is not gaming at me, it’s bringing him something that other things don’t. And I finally get that now!”
Well, Mayim referring to her Manfriend as her ‘partner’ could either mean nothing at all or rather everything. We can’t jump into conclusions as of yet, however, Manfriend could possibly be her boyfriend. Let us just wait until Mayim sheds more light on this matter.